Imaging Case Reports

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Type I

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Type I: Acte III

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Type I

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Type I: Acte II

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Type I

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Type I: Acte I

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries: Acte V

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries: Acte IV

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries: Acte III

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries: Acte II

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries

Separate Origin of LAD and CX Coronary Arteries: Acte I

Heart 4D CT SCAN

Coeur 4D Scanner

Carotid Stenosis Angioplasty Stenting acte I

Sténose Carotide très serrée Angioplasty Stenting acte I

Carotid Stenosis Angioplasty Stenting acte II

Sténose Carotide très serrée Angioplasty Stenting acte II

Apical Dyskinesia Thrombus

Thrombus Apex Dyskinétique